1000+ Synonyms Questions for CDS/NDA Exam with Answers - 1

Question: 1

All his attempts to win the favour of his boss proved infructuous.

(A) unnecessary

(B) redundant

(C) meaningless

(D) fruitless

Ans: D


Question: 2

You should not get paranoid about what others think of you.

(A) influenced by

(B) flattered by

(C) obsessed with

(D) upset by

Ans: D

upset by

Question: 3

As she had never been in such a situation before, her apprehension was understandable.

(A) eagerness

(B) fear

(C) excitement

(D) hesitation

Ans: B


Question: 4

He treats with disdain anyone who goes to him for help.

(A) contempt

(B) disgust

(C) displeasure

(D) insolence

Ans: A


Question: 5

There is abundant supply of water for the crops.

(A) adequate

(B) considerable

(C) sufficient

(D) plentiful

Ans: D


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