1000+ Sentence Rearrangement Questions for SSC CHSL Exam - 1
Question: 1
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.
S1. There have been many myths about women in world literature.
P : Odysseus found a way to save himself and his sailors from this evil fate.
Q : The sirens were beautiful maidens whose songs enchanted sailors on the seas.
R : Odysseus’s encounter with the sirens during his return home after the fall of Troy is typical of this.
S : Their songs were so captivating that the sailors swam towards them and died miserable deaths.
S6. He filled his rower’s ears with wax and had himself bound to the mast so that he could hear the sweet singing without diving overboard to his death.
Ans: C
Question: 2
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.
S1. The coming of the computer sparked the need for remotely operated controls.
P: It is silicon chip that is at the heart of the remote control.
Q : This produces an infra-red beam, which is made up of electromagnetic waves.
R : When you press the button on the remote control, the chip sets off an electronic vibration.
S : The beam carries a coded signal such as switch on, raise volume etc.
S6. The code is based on binary digits.
Ans: B
Question: 3
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.
S1 : Ram Mohan Roy was a lover of his country.
S6 : Indians and Europeans met next year to put this idea into shape.
P : He said that it would be a good plan to build an English school or college.
Q : One evening he was talking with David and a few friends on the wisest way of uplifting the mind and character of the people of India.
R : But he thought of subjected beyond watches.
S : David was a watchmaker.
Ans: A
Question: 4
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.
S1. It is regrettable there is widespread corruption in the country at all levels.
P : So there is hardly anything that the government can do about it now.
Q : And there are graft and other malpractices too.
R : The impression that corruption is a universal phenomenon persists and the people do not cooperate in checking this evil.
S : Recently several offenders were brought to book, but they were not given deterrent punishment.
S6. This is indeed a tragedy of great magnitude.
Ans: D
Question: 5
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence.
S1. Speech was the first means of conveying information.
P : Thirdly printing helped in dissemination of knowledge in a permanent form.
Q : Then writing as a means introduced a capacity for storing information.
R : Computer is the only medium that can not only store but analyse information to make decision.
S : However, all these are passive media.
S6 : Therefore, computer is hailed as the fourth information revolution.
Ans: B
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