Reading Comprehension Passages Questions for SSC Exams - 1

Question: 1

Though it may be inessential to the imagination, travelling is necessary to an understanding of men. Only with long experience and the opening of his wares on many a beach where his language is not spoken, will the merchant come to know the worth of what he carries, and what is parochial and what is universal in this choice. Such delicate goods as justice, love and honour, courtesy, and indeed all the things we care for, are valid everywhere but they are variously moulded and often differently handled, and sometimes nearly unrecognisable if you meet them in a foreign land, and the art of learning fundamental common values is perhaps the greatest gain of travelling to those who wish to leave at ease among their fellows.
According to the passage, travelling leads to

(A) establishing our superiority over foreigners

(B) understanding human nature

(C) selling our wares to the others

(D) exploiting foreign lands

Ans: B

understanding human nature

Question: 2

When we meet other people while we travel, we learn to differentiate between

(A) imagination and understanding

(B) local and universal values

(C) communities and nationalities

(D) friends and foes

Ans: A

imagination and understanding

Question: 3

The author terms justice, love, honour and courtesy as delicate goods because they are

(A) perishable

(B) fragile

(C) desirable

(D) important

Ans: D


Question: 4

Travelling helps those who

(A) wish to learn fundamental common values

(B) want to resolve differences amongst people

(C) wish to make money

(D) want to learn foreign languages

Ans: A

wish to learn fundamental common values

Question: 5

The things we care for are available in foreign lands in

(A) some form or the other

(B) plenty

(C) easily recognisable forms

(D) unrecognisable forms

Ans: D

unrecognisable forms

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