Biodiversity Objective Questions and Answers - 1

Question: 1

The fusion of identical gametes is called

(A) Anisogamy

(B) Heterogamy

(C) Oogamy

(D) Isogamy

Ans: D


Question: 2

During normal conditions paramecium reproduces by

(A) Binary fission

(B) Multiple fission

(C) Meiosis

(D) Conjugation

Ans: A

Binary fission

Question: 3

Which of the following is involved in the attachment of bacteria during conjugation?

(A) Sex pili

(B) Fimbriae

(C) Flagella

(D) Pili

Ans: A

Sex pili

Question: 4

The conjugation between two cells of the same filament is

(A) Scalariform conjugation

(B) Lateral conjugation

(C) Spiral conjugation

(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Lateral conjugation

Question: 5

The heart of cockroach is divided into ___ chambers.

(A) 10

(B) 11

(C) 13

(D) 33

Ans: C


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