PG Trb Botany Model Questions Papers - 5

Question: 21

Which of the following is a physical basis of life?

(A) Ribosome

(B) Mitochondria

(C) Protoplasm

(D) Nucleus

Ans: C


Question: 22

The human body is immune to which disease?

(A) Diabetes

(B) Tuberculosis

(C) Jaundice

(D) Small pox

Ans: D

Small pox

Question: 23

Which of the following animals does not have nervous system?

(A) Tapeworm

(B) Leech

(C) Amoeba 

(D) Snail

Ans: C


Question: 24

The edible part of the coconut is

(A) endosperm

(B) blastula

(C) completeseed

(D) pericarp

Ans: A


Question: 25

Which of the following is not a mosquito borne disease?

(A) Malaria

(B) Sleeping sickness

(C) Filariasis

(D) Dengue fever

Ans: B

Sleeping sickness

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