PG TRB Physics Previous Year Questions with Answer Key - 2

Question: 6

Through which one among the following materials does not travel slowest?

(A) Air

(B) Glass

(C) Wood

(D) Water

Ans: C


Question: 7

The term Hydroponics is used to describe

(A) study of electronic devices which work underwater

(B) a disease in which patient develops fear of water

(C) sound propagation under water

(D) cultivation of plants in water

Ans: D

cultivation of plants in water

Question: 8

In the isothermal process ____ remains constant.

(A) Temperature

(B) Heat

(C) Pressure

(D) Density

Ans: A


Question: 9

Who gave the first evidence of Big bang theory?

(A) Stephen Hawking

(B) Albert Einstein

(C) S Chandrasekhar

(D) Edwin Hubble

Ans: D

Edwin Hubble

Question: 10

Refraction of star light through the earth’s atmosphere causes

(A) The rainbow

(B) Wind

(C) Rain

(D) Twinkling of stars

Ans: D

Twinkling of stars

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