100+ Operating System Gk Questions Online Test - 1

Question: 1

The operating system manages

(A) Disks & I/O devices

(B) Processor

(C) Memory

(D) All of these

Ans: D

All of these

Question: 2

To execute more than one program at a time, the system software used must be capable of

(A) Multi-tasking

(B) Coupling

(C) Virtual memory

(D) Word processing

Ans: A


Question: 3

Time sharing systems must also provide

(A) Off line system

(B) Online system

(C) Both (a) and (b)

(D) None of these

Ans: B

Online system

Question: 4

When a interrupt occurs, an operating system

(A) May change state of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process

(B) Always resumes execution of interrupted process after processing the interrupt

(C) Always changes state of interrupted process after processing the interrupt

(D) Ignores the interrupt

Ans: A

May change state of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process

Question: 5

The process scheduler in the processor management unit

(A) Co-ordinates the process synchronization

(B) Selects a process to run

(C) Selects a job to run

(D) Gives all submitted jobs to the job scheduler

Ans: B

Selects a process to run

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