100+ Blood Relation Online Test - 1

Question: 1

(i) M is brother of N;
(ii) Bis brother of N; and
(iii) M is brother of D,
then which of the following statements is definitely true?

(A) D is brother of M

(B) M is brother of B

(C) N is brother of D

(D) N is brother of B

Ans: B

M is the brother of N and B is the brother of N.
So, M is the brother of B.

Question: 2

Q is the brother of R;
P is the sister of Q;
T is the brother of S;
S is the daughter of R.
Who are the cousins of Q?

(A) S and T

(B) Q and T

(C) P and T

(D) R and P

Ans: A

T is the brother of S, who is the daughter of R.
So, T and S are the children of R.
Now, Q is the brother of R.
So, T and S are the cousins of Q.

Question: 3

Lakshmi and Meena are Rohan's wives. Shalini is Meena's step daughter. How is Lakshmi related to Shalini?

(A) Mother-in-law

(B) Mother

(C) Step-mother

(D) Sister

Ans: B

Shalini is Meena's step daughter means Shalini is the daughter of the other wife of Rohan.
So, Shalini is the daughter of Lakshmi or Lakshmi is the mother of Shalini.

Question: 4

Rahul's mother is the only daughter of Monika's father. How is Monika's husband related to Rahul?

(A) Father

(B) Grandfather

(C) Uncle

(D) Brother

Ans: A

Clearly, the only daughter of Monika's father is Monika herself.
So, Rahul's mother is Monika.
Thus, Monika's husband is the father of Rahul.

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