7000+ Cyber Security Quiz Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

A vulnerability scanner is?

(A) A situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illegitimate access

(B) An application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transmit either within the computer or over the network

(C) A tool used to quickly check computers on a network for known weaknesses

(D) A prepared application that takes advantages of a known weakness

Ans: B

An application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transmit either within the computer or over the network

Question: 2

Spooking attack is?

(A) A toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer’s security has been compromised, is a general description of a set of programs which work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate operators

(B) A situation in which one person or program successfully, masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining illegitimate access

(C) An application that captures TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transmit either within the computer or over the network

(D) None of these

Ans: A

A toolkit for hiding the fact that a computer’s security has been compromised, is a general description of a set of programs which work to subvert control of an operating system from its legitimate operators

Question: 3

It is an application that capture TCP/IP data packets, which can maliciously be used to capture passwords and other data while it is in transmit within the computer or over the network.

(A) Rootkit

(B) Packet sniffer

(C) Vulnerability scanner

(D) Security exploit

Ans: B

Packet sniffer

Question: 4

It is a software program designed to record every keystroke on the machine on which it runs

(A) Cracker

(B) Virus

(C) Worm

(D) Keylogger

Ans: D


Question: 5

This hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms that are used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed.

(A) Blue hat

(B) Grey hat

(C) White hat

(D) None of these

Ans: A

Blue hat

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