HTML Text Formatting Quiz Questions and Answer - 2

Question: 6

When _____ key is pressed, the paragraph options for that paragraph are carried down to the next paragraph.

(A) backspace

(B) space bar

(C) escape

(D) enter

Ans: D


Question: 7

A _____ colour for selected text can be used.

(A) combine

(B) combination

(C) different

(D) same

Ans: C


Question: 8

Some _____ can be added to the documents by colour printer.

(A) shading

(B) splash

(C) shade

(D) colour

Ans: B


Question: 9

A _____ value will result in hanging indent.

(A) first

(B) positive

(C) negative

(D) additional

Ans: C


Question: 10

To choose a Font type click down arrow in the fonts _____ box of font tab in character dialog box.

(A) combo

(B) list combo

(C) list

(D) text

Ans: A


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