SAT Sentence Completion Questions & Answers for Competitive Exams - 3

Question: 11

Knowledge is like a deep well fed by ____ springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop in it.

(A) perennial

(B) eternal

(C) immortal

(D) inexhaustible

Ans: A


Question: 12

Although I was ___ of his plans, I encouraged him, because there was no one else who was willing to help.

(A) sceptical

(B) excited

(C) fearful

(D) remorseful

Ans: A


Question: 13

True health and true success go together for they are inseparably ___ in the thought realm.

(A) interwined

(B) interrelated

(C) bound up

(D) tied up

Ans: A


Question: 14

That charming girl was the ___ of all eyes.

(A) ambition

(B) aim

(C) cynosure

(D) target

Ans: C


Question: 15

His ___ in his family’s position is great but he does not boast about it.

(A) status

(B) pride

(C) deceit

(D) presumption

Ans: A


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