Astronomy Quiz Questions and Answers for class 6,7,8,9,10 - 2

Question: 6

Which of the following astronaut is landed or stepped down first on the surface of moon?

(A) Neil Armstrong

(B) Uri Gagarin

(C) Denial Pearl

(D) None of these

Ans: A

Neil Armstrong

Question: 7

What is the most massive star known so far?

(A) Altair

(B) Proxima Centauri

(C) Sun

(D) Eta Carinae

Ans: D

Eta Carinae

Question: 8

The smallest star in the universe known so far is

(A) Gliese 623b

(B) Proxima Centauri

(C) Sirius

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Gliese 623b

Question: 9

Time taken by Moon’s light to reach Earth is

(A) 1.34 sec

(B) 1.58 sec

(C) 2.32 sec

(D) 58 sec

Ans: A

1.34 sec

Question: 10

On which date is the Earth in ‘Perihelion’?

(A) January 3

(B) June 21

(C) August 15

(D) December 21

Ans: A

January 3

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