100+ Puzzle Questions and Answers for Interview - 1

Questions : 1

Ans: 55

Each number is the number above it times 3 plus either 2, 3 plus either 2, 3 or 4, depending on which column it is. 55 = 17 x 3 + 4. 169 = 55 x 3 + 4.

Questions : 2

Ans: 15

The center number is the sum of the top left number, the top right number, and the lower right number, minus the lower left number.

17 + 4 + 9 – 15 = 15.

Questions : 3

Ans: 3096.

The center number in each row is the product of the digits on the left followed by the product of the digits on the right.

Questions : 4

Ans: 36

Starting at 4 and moving three segments counter clockwise yields the sequence 4, 9, 16, 25, ?, 49, 64. These are perfect squares : 22, 32, 42, 52, 62,72.

Questions : 5

Ans: 64

The bottom number is the top right number times the square root of the top left number.

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