100+ Situation Reaction Test Questions with Answers - 1

Question: 1

To each of the following questions, four probable answers have been given. Select the most appropriate alternative as the answer.
Your bathroom tap is leaking and is a constant source of irritating noise. You would

(A) try to put up a cork upon the mouth of the tap

(B) call a plumber to repair the tap.

(C) put a bucket underneath.

(D) sleep with pillows upon your ears.

Ans: B

call a plumber to repair the tap.

Question: 2

Your friend has not invited you to his marriage party. You will :

(A) send him your best wishes.

(B) ignore the whole affair.

(C) attend the ceremony.

(D) hold it against him.

Ans: A

send him your best wishes.

Question: 3

You are interviewed for a new job. Which of the following questions is most important to you?

(A) remuneration you will be paid.

(B) all the above are equally important.

(C) scope to develop your ideas and use them to improve the working of the organization.

(D) opportunities for promotion.

Ans: B

all the above are equally important.

Question: 4

You are moving across the road on a scooter when you observe that two boys on a bike snatch a lady’s gold chain and ride away. You would

(A) stand and see what happens next.

(B) inform the police about the matter.

(C) console the woman.

(D) chase the boys to catch hold to them.

Ans: D

chase the boys to catch hold to them.

Question: 5

While you board a train at the station, you find a suitcase beneath your seat. You would :

(A) finding no one to claim it, take it into your own possession.

(B) try to find out the address of the owner from the papers etc. in the suitcase.

(C) open up the suitcase to look through its contents.

(D) report the matter to the police.

Ans: D

report the matter to the police.

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