100+ Fundamental Rights & Duties Multiple Choice Questions 2020-21 - 1

Question: 1

How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution?

(A) 9

(B) 11

(C) 12

(D) 20

Ans: B


Question: 2

The concept of ‘Welfare State’ is included in which part of the Indian Constitution?

(A) The Fundamental Duties

(B) The Directive principles of State Policy

(C) The Fundamental Rights

(D) Preamble of the Constitution

Ans: B

The Directive principles of State Policy

Question: 3

The purpose of the inclusion of Directive Principle of State policy in the Indian constitution is to establish

(A) Social and economic democracy

(B) Gandhian democracy

(C) Political democracy

(D) Social democracy

Ans: A

Social and economic democracy

Question: 4

‘Equal pay for equal work’ has been ensured in the Indian Constitution as one of the

(A) Fundamental Rights

(B) Directive Principles of State Policy

(C) Economic Rights

(D) Fundamental Duties

Ans: B

Directive Principles of State Policy

Question: 5

Right to education Act (2002) was introduced to help which of the following group of society?

(A) All adults who could not get formal education

(B) Those who are interested in technical education

(C) College going teenagers

(D) Children of age of 6 to 14 years

Ans: D

Children of age of 6 to 14 years

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