Top 1,000+ Computer Awareness for Bank Exams Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What are the alternative names for the internal storage of a computer?

(A) Real storage

(B) Primary memory

(C) Main memory

(D) Both a and b

Ans: D

Both a and b

Question: 2

Any piece of equipment forming an interface to a data communication system is





Ans: A


Question: 3

Which of the following PC user must have a special hardware device that is to link up a bulletin board system


(B) Light pen

(C) Control unit

(D) Modem

Ans: D


Question: 4

A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is

(A) Cluster

(B) Cylinder

(C) Surface

(D) Track

Ans: A


Question: 5

The function of an assembler is

(A) To convert high level language into machine language

(B) To convert assemble language into machine language

(C) To convert assemble language into high level language

(D) To convert basic language into machine language

Ans: B

To convert assemble language into machine language

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