10,000+ Computer MCQ Questions - 2

Question: 6

Which of the following are the two main components of

(A) ALU and bus

(B) Control unit and ALU

(C) Registers and main memory

(D) Control unit and ALU

Ans: D

Control unit and ALU

Question: 7

What is the name given to the specialised storage element in the processor unit of a computer which is used as "scratch pad" during processing operations?

(A) Cache memory

(B) Storage register

(C) Accumulator

(D) Storage register

Ans: A

Cache memory

Question: 8

Which memory system is not as a mass memory medium?

(A) Semiconductor memory

(B) Magnetic tape

(C) magnetic disk

(D) magnetic drum

Ans: A

Semiconductor memory

Question: 9

A disk storage medium in the form of an assembly containing a single rigid magnetic disk permanently is

(A) Fixed disk

(B) Card punch

(C) Disk cartridge

(D) Card reader

Ans: C

Disk cartridge

Question: 10

A data item which is not broken down into smaller units is

(A) Data element

(B) Elementary data item

(C) Data entry

(D) Database management

Ans: B

Elementary data item

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