Top 50+ System CPU Performance MCQs Quiz Questions & Answers - 1

Question: 1

Viruses are

(A) modifying or destroying files and causing system crashes and program malfunctions

(B) designed to spread into another programs and can wreak havoc in a system

(C) another form of computer attack is virus

(D) all of these

Ans: D

all of these

Question: 2

Window NT

(A) Allows the development of system authentication package

(B) NT operates with client server model

(C) Creates a security access token that includes the security ID for users

(D) Security model is based on the notion of user accounts

Ans: D

Security model is based on the notion of user accounts

Question: 3

Real-time displays

(A) cannot show the system paging rate

(B) are useless for capacity planning

(C) are most useful for showing performance problems

(D) are used only for capacity planning

Ans: C

are most useful for showing performance problems

Question: 4

Domains are represented by

(A) Tables

(B) Columns

(C) Rows

(D) All of these

Ans: A


Question: 5

Security violation due to

(A) Accidental

(B) Malicious

(C) Both (a) and (b)

(D) All of these

Ans: B


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