1000+ Computer Quiz Online Mock Test 2023 - 2024 - 1

Question: 1

Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)?

(A) cable

(B) computer

(C) modem

(D) printer

Ans: C


Question: 2

Utility programs include

(A) operating systems

(B) spreadsheets

(C) editors

(D) all of the above

Ans: C


Question: 3

Permanent data like logarithmic tables are stored in a computer on a



(C) tape

(D) drum

Ans: B


Question: 4

In a computer the repetition of a group of instructions in a routine is known as

(A) loop

(B) logical function

(C) instruction

(D) hold

Ans: A


Question: 5

An arbitrary code not related to the circuitry of a computer code, which must be first translated into a computer code, if it is direct the computer, is known as

(A) pseudo code

(B) programmed code

(C) puke code

(D) binary code

Ans: A

pseudo code

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