Top 100+ Spelling Test Verbal Ability Questions & Answers - 1

Question: 1

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Neccessary

(B) Necesarry

(C) Necesary

(D) Necessary

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Necessary

Question: 2

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Coruppt

(B) Corrupt

(C) Currupt

(D) Curropt

Ans: B

Clearly the correct spelling is Corrupt

Question: 3

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Satellite

(B) Satelite

(C) Sattellite

(D) Sattellite

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Satellite

Question: 4

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Millonaire

(B) Millionare

(C) Millonare

(D) Millionaire

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Millionaire

Question: 5

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Drought

(B) Drougt

(C) Draut

(D) Drout

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Drought

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