100+ Computer Knowledge Questions for IBPS/SBI Exams - 3

Question: 11

Start or restart of the computer

(A) Kick-start

(B) Kick

(C) Exit

(D) Boot

Ans: D


Question: 12

Which type of software is distributed free but requires the users to pay some amount for further use?

(A) Public- domain software

(B) Rental ware

(C) Shareware

(D) Freeware

Ans: C


Question: 13

The physical components of a computer system


(B) Control unit

(C) Software

(D) Hardware

Ans: D


Question: 14

Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet resources?


(B) Cable

(C) Protocol

(D) Linkers

Ans: A


Question: 15

Which of the following is not true about computer files?

(A) A file extension is established by the user to indicate the data it was created

(B) They are collections of data served to a storage medium

(C) Every file has a filename

(D) Usually files contain data

Ans: A

A file extension is established by the user to indicate the data it was created

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