1000+ Computer Knowledge Questions for SBI Clerk Exams - 1

Question: 1

A ______ is the general term for hardware not necessary to the basic function of the computer connected externally.

(A) Peripheral

(B) Keyboard

(C) Bit

(D) Icon

Ans: A


Question: 2

A modem

(A) Translates digital signals from a computer into analog signals that can travel along conventional telephone lines

(B) Translates analog signals from a computer into digital signals that can travel along conventional telephone lines

(C) Modulates signals as an analog telephone line

(D) Demodulates digitals signals from a computer

Ans: A

Translates digital signals from a computer into analog signals that can travel along conventional telephone lines

Question: 3

The instructions for starting the computer are housed in

(A) ROM chip



(D) All of these

Ans: A

ROM chip

Question: 4

Which of the following are all considered advantages of e-mail?

(A) Slow delivery, reliable, global and inexpensive

(B) Global, convenience and Microsoft word

(C) Printable, global and exposing

(D) Convenience, speed of delivery, generality and reliability

Ans: A

Slow delivery, reliable, global and inexpensive

Question: 5

What is the most common way to get a virus in your computers hard disk?

(A) By sending e-mails

(B) By uploading pictures from mobile to the computers

(C) By opening e-mails

(D) By installing games from CD ROMs

Ans: C

By opening e-mails

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