Top 100+ Object Oriented Programming Quiz Questions & Answers - 1

Question: 1

_____ data type is further divided into float and double.

(A) double

(B) float

(C) char

(D) int

Ans: B


Question: 2

In _____ method, the called function arguments formal parameters become alias to the actual parameters in the calling function.

(A) return

(B) call

(C) call by value

(D) call by reference

Ans: D

call by reference

Question: 3

The declaration statement char *cp, is a _____ type pointer.

(A) double

(B) string

(C) character

(D) integer

Ans: C


Question: 4

The base data type should be prefixed with the _____ at the time of declaring a variable.

(A) dimension

(B) variable

(C) constant

(D) modifiers

Ans: D


Question: 5

In C++ int data type has the range of values

(A) 32767 to 32768

(B) 32768 to 32769

(C) -32768 to 32767

(D) -32768 to 32768

Ans: C

-32768 to 32767

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