OS Quiz, MCQs, Online Test, Objective Type, Multiple Choice Questions - 4

Question: 16

Only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you will use

(A) Dir a:

(B) Dir/b

(C) Dir/s

(D) Dir/w

Ans: D


Question: 17

The operating system which was originally designed by scientists and engineers for use by scientists and engineers is called


(B) OS/2



Ans: C


Question: 18


(A) allows the same computer to have multiple processors

(B) is completely understood by all major computer vendors

(C) allows multiple processes to run simultaneously

(D) makes the operating system simpler

Ans: A

allows the same computer to have multiple processors

Question: 19

Which of the following is not an advantage of multiprogramming?

(A) Ability to assign priorities to jobs

(B) Decreased operating system overhead

(C) Shorter response time

(D) Increased throughout

Ans: B

Decreased operating system overhead

Question: 20

Spooling is most beneficial in multi-programming environment where

(A) There is limited primary memory and need for secondary memory

(B) Jobs are evenly divided as I/O bound and CPU bound

(C) Most jobs are I/O bound

(D) Most-jobs are CPU-bound

Ans: B

Jobs are evenly divided as I/O bound and CPU bound

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