Basic Computer Questions for Interview - 2

Question: 6

The Difference Engine was built by ____

(A) Herman Hollerith

(B) Blaise Pascal

(C) John Napier

(D) Charles Babbage

Ans: D

Charles Babbage

Question: 7

The ___ software translates the source program into an object program.

(A) Application

(B) Compiler

(C) Interpreter

(D) System

Ans: B


Question: 8

Fifth generation computers will come close to ___ the gap between computing and thinking.

(A) branching

(B) placing

(C) filling

(D) bridging

Ans: D


Question: 9

Laptop computers are ____ computers that fit in a briefcase.

(A) personal

(B) pen based

(C) palm

(D) portable

Ans: D


Question: 10

____ computers are also called Personal Digital Assistants(PDA).

(A) Notebook

(B) Pen based

(C) Palm

(D) Laptop

Ans: B

Pen based

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