7000+ Electrical Engineering Interview Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What is the average power for periodic non sinusoidal voltages and current?

(A) The sum of the root mean square power of the sinusoidal components including the fundamental

(B) The sum of the average powers of the sinusoidal components including the fundamental

(C) The sum of the average powers of the harmonics excluding the fundamental

(D) The average power of the fundamental component alone

Ans: A

The sum of the root mean square power of the sinusoidal components including the fundamental

Question: 2

Due to skin effect, the current flows

(A) In the centre of the conductor

(B) Through central core of the conductor

(C) Near the surface of the conductor

(D) Uniformly through the conductor

Ans: C

Near the surface of the conductor

Question: 3

Capacitive susceptance is a measure of

(A) Reactive power in a circuit

(B) The extent of neutralization of reactive power in a circuit

(C) A purely capacitive circuit’s ability to resist the flow of current

(D) A purely capacitive circuit’s ability to pass current

Ans: D

A purely capacitive circuit’s ability to pass current

Question: 4

In a 3-phase supply, floating neutral is undesirable because it may result in _____ across the load.

(A) Low voltage

(B) High voltage

(C) Unequal line voltage

(D) All of these

Ans: C

Unequal line voltage

Question: 5

The circulating current in a parallel LC circuit at any resonant frequency is

(A) Independent of frequency

(B) Directly proportional to frequency

(C) Inversely proportional to frequency

(D) None of the above

Ans: A

Independent of frequency

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