1000+ Geography MCQ Questions and Answers 2023-2024 Pdf - 1

Question: 1

When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, it is called as

(A) trade winds

(B) westerlies

(C) polar wind

(D) geostropic wind

Ans: D

geostropic wind

Question: 2

The line joining places of equal atmospheric pressure is termed

(A) contour

(B) isotherm

(C) isobar

(D) isohyets

Ans: C


Question: 3

The contact of two air masses differing sharply in humidity originates

(A) tropical cyclones

(B) temperature cyclones

(C) tropospheric instability

(D) inter tropical convergence

Ans: B

temperature cyclones

Question: 4

Which one of the flowing is a type of planetary wind?

(A) tornadoes

(B) loo

(C) monsoons

(D) westerlies

Ans: D


Question: 5

Winds blow

(A) from a region of low pressure to a region of high pressure

(B) in regions of high pressures

(C) in regions of low pressures

(D) from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure

Ans: D

from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure

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