Environment Quiz Questions and Answers Pdf - 2

Question: 6

What is food chain?

The sequence of living organism in which one organism consumes another organism to transfer food energy is called food chain.

Question: 7

What is biosphere reserve?

Biosphere reserves are multipurpose protected areas to preserve genetic diversity.

(1) To promote research on ecological conservation and other environmental impacts.

(2) To conserve diversity and integrity of plants, animals and micro organisms.

Question: 8

What are decomposers?

The lead and decaying waste products of animals are decomposed by bacteria and fungi. These organisms are called detrivorse or decomposers.

Question: 9

Define ecological pyramid?

The diagram showing the transfer of energy in a given set of organisms is called ecological pyramid.

Question: 10

What is biological accumulation?

Heavy metals such as lead, Arsenic, cadmium get concentrated in different organs like bones, fat cells, liver etc. This phenomenon is called biological accumulation.

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