100+ Linux Practical Exam Viva Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

How will you go to a particular line number in Vi editor?

(A) line number R

(B) line number G

(C) line number B

(D) line number N

Ans: B

line number G

Question: 7

Which of the option with the rm command removes including the subdirectories?

(A) –i

(B) –v

(C) –r

(D) –s

Ans: C


Question: 8

What is the key used to quit Vi editor?

(A) :q

(B) q

(C) :a!

(D) qi

Ans: A


Question: 9

Which sign is a substitute for our home directory?

(A) ($) dollar

(B) (#) hash

(C) (*) astrisks

(D) (~) tilde

Ans: D

(~) tilde

Question: 10

What is the reference of the second partition on the first hard drive?

(A) hd

(B) hda2

(C) hda

(D) dha

Ans: B


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