TNPSC Group 1, 2 Physics Study Material in English and Tamil - 2

Question: 6

____ is used to detect and measure the intensity of X-rays.

(A) Detector

(B) Vacuum chamber

(C) Ionization chamber

(D) None of the above

Ans: C

Ionization chamber

Question: 7

____ are produced at high potential difference in Coolidge tube.

(A) Hard X-rays

(B) Positive rays

(C) Soft X-rays

(D) Cathode rays

Ans: A

Hard X-rays

Question: 8

____ is used to vapourize the unwanted material during the manufacture of electronic circuit on semiconductor chips.

(A) Positive rays

(B) Laser beams

(C) Radioactive rays

(D) Cathode rays

Ans: B

Laser beams

Question: 9

The crystal that was used in Laue experiment to diffract X-rays was ___ crystal.

(A) Copper sulphate

(B) Calcium carbonate

(C) Zinc sulphide

(D) Ammonium nitrate

Ans: C

Zinc sulphide

Question: 10

Which atom model explains the fine structure of spectral lines?

(A) Sommerfeld atom model

(B) Thomson atom model

(C) Bohr’s atom model

(D) Rutherford atom model

Ans: A

Sommerfeld atom model

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