General English Quiz for Competitive Exams 2024 - 2025 Pdf - 1

Question: 1

Now the fury of the demonstrators turned against the machines.

(A) Acrimony

(B) Rage

(C) Passion

(D) Asperity

Ans: B


Question: 2

The speech he made on the occasion was quite exhilarating.

(A) Lively

(B) Learned

(C) Boring

(D) Irrelevant

Ans: A


Question: 3

He was ingenious enough to know how to get out of the clutches of law.

(A) Alert

(B) Cunning

(C) Clever

(D) Intelligent

Ans: C


Question: 4

He was not able to unearth his secret to the last.

(A) Decode

(B) Disclose

(C) Discover

(D) Suppress

Ans: C


Question: 5

If you don't care for the blemishes of his style, you will find that the writer has a powerful message to convey.

(A) Accusations

(B) Excellences

(C) Faults

(D) Qualities

Ans: C


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