6999+ System Programming MCQ with and Answers Pdf - 2

Question: 6

The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended I called

(A) hortest job first

(B) first come first served

(C) pre-emptive scheduling

(D) non pre-emptive scheduling

Ans: C

pre-emptive scheduling

Question: 7

Forward Reference Table is arranged as

(A) linked list

(B) doubly linked list

(C) stack

(D) queue

Ans: A

linked list

Question: 8

A general microprocessor is an inbuilt function of

(A) assembler

(B) editor

(C) linker

(D) loader

Ans: A


Question: 9

Which of the following is a language processor?

(A) compiler

(B) assembler

(C) interpreter

(D) all of these

Ans: D

all of these

Question: 10

Moving process from main memory to disk is called

(A) spooling

(B) swapping

(C) scheduling

(D) caching

Ans: B


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