100+ Gk Questions on Climate, Weather, Climatology Questions - 2

Question: 6

When are summer season and winter season in Tamil Nadu?

Tamil Nadu experiences summer season during June and July and winter season during December and January months.

Question: 7

Which region experiences long winter season?

In polar regions winters are very long 9 to 10 months and very severe. The ground is covered with snow. Temperature are below freezing anywhere between -35 and 40°C. Winter is a period of darkness as well as cold.

Question: 8

What are the factors that decide the climate?

In both summer and winter, there are changes in the pressure, winds, cloud cover and temperatures. Besides these location, landscapes and nearness to sea influence climatic conditions.

Question: 9

What do weather charts give?

The weather charts give the details such as

(i) Temperature

(ii) Pressure

(iii) Humidity

(iv) Quantity of rainfall

Question: 10

What are urban heat islands?

The fuels burnt in big cities increase the temperatures. The heat absorbed during the day is released in the night from the stone walls and concrete buildings. Therefore, urban heat islands are formed in the big cities during the nights.

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