Biology Online Test - 2

Question: 6

Saffron is obtained from which part of plants?

(A) Stigma and style

(B) Leaves

(C) Stem

(D) Roots

Ans: A

Stigma and style

Question: 7

The process of evaporation occurs from

(A) Entire plants surface

(B) Leaf

(C) Stem

(D) Root

Ans: B


Question: 8

The chief constituent of cotton is

(A) Glycerine

(B) Fatty acid

(C) Protein

(D) Cellulose

Ans: D


Question: 9

Which of the following is a petro plant?

(A) Aak

(B) Pongamia

(C) Jatropha

(D) All of these

Ans: C


Question: 10

The age of trees is estimated by

(A) Their elongation of roots

(B) Their weights

(C) Their heights

(D) Counting the number of annual rings

Ans: D

Counting the number of annual rings

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