7000+ Tenses MCQ Questions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - 1

Question: 1

Herman rushed to his rooms and _____ the door.

(A) is slamming

(B) has slammed

(C) slams

(D) slammed

Ans: D


Question: 2

The medal _____ in the attic for twenty nine long years.

(A) hide

(B) hidden

(C) had been hidden

(D) had hidden

Ans: C

had been hidden

Question: 3

I wish most of all to ____ home to my family.

(A) return

(B) has returned

(C) returned

(D) returning

Ans: A


Question: 4

We _____ in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

(A) cooked

(B) had cooked

(C) were cooking

(D) cooking

Ans: C

were cooking

Question: 5

He _____ the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.

(A) felt

(B) felts

(C) had felt

(D) has felt

Ans: A


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