Top 100+ Minerals and Energy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

Which of the following is not an example of inexhaustible resource?

(A) Air

(B) Forests and wild life

(C) Solar energy

(D) Fossil Fuels

Ans: D

Fossil Fuels

Question: 7

Which of the following countries is the largest producer of coal?

(A) U.S.A

(B) Russia

(C) China

(D) South Africa

Ans: A


Question: 8

Which two types of coal have a high percentage of moisture and much volatile matter?

(A) Lignite and Peat

(B) Anthracite and lignite

(C) Bituminous and Anthracite

(D) Lignite and Bituminous

Ans: A

Lignite and Peat

Question: 9

The world’s highest hydel power project ‘Rongtong’ is located in

(A) Beijing

(B) Himachal Pradesh

(C) Rangoon

(D) Kathmandu

Ans: B

Himachal Pradesh

Question: 10

Natural gas is a

(A) Mixture of Butane and Propane

(B) Mixture of chemical industry

(C) Plentiful gas

(D) None of these

Ans: A

Mixture of Butane and Propane

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