Introduction to Computer Questions and Answers Pdf - 2

Question: 6

What are the type of computers?

There are three types of computers are

  • Digital computers
  • Analog computers
  • Hybrid computers

Question: 7


ENIAC  – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator.

ABC  – Atanasoff and Berry Computer.

EDVAC – Electronics Discrete Variable Automation Calculator.

EDSAC – Electronics Delay Storage Automation Calculator.

UNIVAC – UNIVersal Automatic Computer.

Question: 8

Define Data and Information?

Data – It is nothing but the fact or raw material for the information processing.

Information – The processed data is called information.

Question: 9

What are the components of the computer system.

Basic components of the computer system are

  • Input Unit
  • Central Processing Unit
  • Secondary Storage Unit and
  • Output Unit

Question: 10

What are the main functions of an ALU?

  • Arithmetic Logical Unit performs all the arithmetic and logical operations.
  • Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and logical operations such as comparisons are performed in ALU.

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