Data structure Question Paper with Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

What is a memory leak?

It is a situation where the programmer fails to release the memory allocated at run time in a module. Remember that when memory is allocated, a pointer variable is used to hold the address of the allocated block, however, when the module completes its execution, the pointer variable goes out of scope and there will be no way to reach that memory block.

Therefore, care must be taken to release the allocated memory block in a module where memory was allocated.

Question: 2

What is a word processor?

It is a generic name for the software that provides facilities for manipulating of text. It can be used for writing documents, inserting or changing words, sentences, paragraphs and printing documents.

Question: 3

What is anticipatory buffering?

It is a buffer management technique where data is read into a buffer before a program requests it.

Question: 4

What is a dedicated device?

It is device that is suitable for access by only one user at a time.

Question: 5

What is a cellular multi-list file?

It is a multi-list file in which no linked list crosses a boundary between physical cell areas.

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