Best 100+ Ancient Indian History Objective Questions & Answers for TNPSC - 2

Question: 6

Mohenjodaro is also known as

(A) Mound of the Dead

(B) Mound of the Living

(C) Mound of the Survivors

(D) Mound of the Great

Ans: A

Mound of the Dead

Question: 7

The Arab conquest of Sind took place in

(A) 712 A.D.

(B) 740 A.D.

(C) 1001 A.D.

(D) 1009 A.D.

Ans: A

712 A.D.

Question: 8

The first metallic coin used in India was in

(A) Central India

(B) Bihar and Eastern U.P.

(C) South India

(D) Western India

Ans: B

Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh

Question: 9

Who among the following was not a Saka ruler?

(A) Nahaparia

(B) Sodasa

(C) Rudradaman

(D) Menander

Ans: D


Question: 10

The last ruler of the Lodhi dynasty was

(A) Alam Lodhi

(B) Ibrahim Lodhi

(C) Bahlul Lodhi

(D) Sikandar Lodhi

Ans: B

Ibrahim Lodhi

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