1000+ Common General Knowledge Questions & Answers - 2

Question: 6

Bill Gates is associated with

(A) Apple Corporation

(B) Oracle

(C) Zenith

(D) Microsoft Corporation

Ans: D

Microsoft Corporation

Question: 7

Who discovered the sea route to India?

(A) Hopkins

(B) Magellan

(C) Vasco da Gama

(D) Colombus

Ans: C

Vasco da Gama

Question: 8

Who is known as the father of Geometry?

(A) Pythagoras

(B) Kepler

(C) Euclid

(D) Newton

Ans: C


Question: 9

The term I.B.R.D. denotes

(A) State Bank of India

(B) Asian Development Bank

(C) World Bank

(D) International Monetary Fund

Ans: C

World Bank

Question: 10

Reserve Bank of India was established in the year

(A) 1932

(B) 1933

(C) 1934

(D) 1935

Ans: D


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