Computer Online Test - 2

Question: 6

A business can develop strategic capacities in IT skills and resources in

(A) Building a strategic IT platform

(B) Developing a strategic information base

(C) Inter organizational information systems

(D) Value chain

Ans: A

Building a strategic IT platform

Question: 7

Coding and testing are done

(A) Bottom up

(B) Top down

(C) Cross sectional

(D) Adhoc

Ans: C

Cross sectional

Question: 8

The process at the most detailed level of the data-flow diagram are called

(A) Data flows

(B) Interfaces

(C) Transform descriptions

(D) Data flow

Ans: D

Data flow

Question: 9

Designing computer hardware, software, and work stations that are safe, comfortable and easy to use is called

(A) Computer virus

(B) Flaming

(C) Responsible end user

(D) Ergonomics

Ans: D


Question: 10

A network of business partners formed to take advantage of rapidly changing market opportunities in

(A) Agile competitor

(B) Total quality management

(C) Virtual company

(D) Strategic business use of internet technologies

Ans: C

Virtual company

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