Welding Interview Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

Question: 1

Metal cutting is possible by oxy-acetylene flame through a gas torch due to the

(A) Evaporation of metal

(B) Burning of metal

(C) Intensive oxidation

(D) Oxidation of metal

Ans: C

Intensive oxidation

Question: 2

In manual arc welding, the equipment should have drooping characteristics in order to maintain

(A) Constant voltage when arc length changes

(B) Constant current when arc length changes

(C) Constant temperature in the arc

(D) Weld pool red hot

Ans: A

Constant voltage when arc length changes

Question: 3

Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of oxidising flame is

(A) 1 : 1

(B) 1.2 : 1

(C) 1.5 : 1

(D) 2 : 1

Ans: C

1.5 : 1

Question: 4

D.C. reverse polarity is used in arc welding to bear greater advantage in

(A) Overhead welding

(B) Edge welding

(C) Flat welding of lap joint

(D) Flat welding of butt joint

Ans: C

Flat welding of lap joint

Question: 5

In d.c. welding, the straight polarity (electrode negative) results in

(A) Less heating of work place

(B) Lower deposition rate

(C) Lower penetration

(D) Smaller weld pool

Ans: C

Lower penetration

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