Asp.Net Interview Questions and Answers - 1

Question: 1

What are the validation controls available in

ASP.NET includes the following validation controls:

RequiredFieldvalidator - Validation succeeds as long as the input control does not contain an empty string.

RangeValidator - Validation succeeds if the input control contains a value within a specific numeric, alphabetic, or date range.

CompareValidator - Validation succeeds if the input control contains a value that matches the value in another specified input control.

RegularExpressionvalidator - Validation succeeds if the value in an input control matches a specified regular expression.

CustomValidator - Validation is performed by a user-defined function.

ValidationSummary  - Displays summary of all current validation errors.

Question: 2

Which class is inherited when an server control is added to a Web form?

System.Web.UI.Webcontrols class

Question: 3

What is the function of custom validator?

It uses the customized validation code to perform client side validation and server side validation.

Question: 4

Which method is used to force all the validation controls to run?


Question: 5

What objects encapsulate the state of the client and the browser?

The Session Object.

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