1000+ Working with Tables Questions and Answers - 2

Question: 6

How does a cell become taller?

If the entry is a long one, when the text or data reaches the cell border StarOffice Writer will wrap the text to the next line and expands the cell making it taller and not wider.

Question: 7

What is the use of giving a name to a table?

The name is given to a table to refer it in future.

Question: 8

Which is the first icon in floating toolbar in Insertion function dialog box?

Insert Table is the first icon in floating toolbar in the Insertion function dialog box.

Question: 9

Mention the simplest way to add a row.

The simplest way to add a row is to press. Tab in the last row of the table. StarOffice Writer adds a new row.

Question: 10

What is a table?

A table is a grid specified number of rows and columns.

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