100+ Problems on Stocks and Shares Questions and Answers - 1

Question: 1

To produce an annual income of Rs.1200 from a 12% stock at 90, the amount of stock needed is

(A) Rs. 9,000

(B) Rs. 10,000

(C) Rs. 10,800

(D) Rs. 14,400

Ans: B

For an income of Rs. 12, stock needed = Rs.100.

For an income of Rs.1200, stock needed

= Rs. $$({100} / {12} × 1200)$$

= Rs.10,000.

Question: 2

A man bought 20 shares of Rs.100 at 4 discount the rate of dividend being 12%. The rate of interest obtained is

(A) 10%

(B) 11%

(C) 12%

(D) 12.5%

Ans: D

Cost price of 1 unit of share = (100 – 4) = Rs. 96.

For 20 shares investment = 20 × 96 = Rs. 1920.

Dividend = $$({12} / {100} × 100)$$ x 20 = Rs. 240.

∴ Rate of interest obtained = $${240} / {1920} × 100$$ = 12.5%.

Question: 3

Sneha had 50 preferred shares and 400 common shares of par value of Rs.100 each. If the dividend declared on preferred shares is 10% per annum and a semiannual dividend of 7.5% is on common shares find the annual dividend received by

(A) Rs. 6000

(B) Rs. 6500

(C) Rs. 7500

(D) Rs. 8500

Ans: B

Dividend on 50 preferred shares = Rs. $$(50 × 100 × {10} / {100})$$ = Rs. 500

Dividend on 400 common shares = Rs. $$(400 × {100} / {100} × {15} / {2} × 2)$$ = Rs.6000.

∴ Total dividend received by Sneha = Rs. (500 + 6000) = 6500.

Question: 4

Find out the income percent on 10% debentures of par value Rs.120 available in the market for Rs.150.

(A) 5%

(B) 6%

(C) 7%

(D) 8%

Ans: D

The market value of a debenture = Rs. 150.

∴ Income of Rs. 150 is Rs. 10.

∴ Income of Rs. 120 = Rs. $$({10} / {150} × 120)$$ = 8%.

∴ Percent income on the debentures = 8%.

Question: 5

A man buys Rs.20 shares paying 9% dividend. The man wants to have an interest of 12% on his money. The market value of each share is

(A) Rs. 5

(B) Rs. 14

(C) Rs. 15

(D) Rs. 18

Ans: A

Dividend on Rs.20 = Rs. $$({9} / {100} × 20)$$ = Rs. $${9} / {5}$$.

Rs. 12 is an income on Rs. 100.

∴ Rs. $${9} / {5}$$is an income on Rs. $$({10} / {100} × 50)$$ = Rs. 5.

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