1000+ Number System Questions and Answers for SSC Exams - 1

Question: 1

All natural numbers and 0 are called the _____ numbers.

(A) whole

(B) rational

(C) integer

(D) prime

Ans: A

All natural numbers and 0 are called the whole numbers.

Question: 2

If you subtract -1 from + 1, what will be the result?

(A) -1

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) -2

Ans: C

(+1) – (- 1) = (+ 1 + 1) = 2.

Question: 3

If n and p are both odd numbers, which of the following is an even number?

(A) n + p

(B) n + P + 1

(C) np + 2

(D) np

Ans: A

We know that the sum of two odd numbers is even.

Therefore, (n is odd, p is odd) ⇒ (n + p) is even.

Question: 4

If (n – 1) is an odd number, what are the two other odd numbers nearest to it?

(A) n, n – 1

(B) n, n – 2

(C) n – 3, n + 1

(D) n – 3, n + 5

Ans: C

(n – 1) is odd ⇒ (n – 1) – 2 and (n – 1) + 2 are odd.

⇒ (n – 3) and (n + 1) are odd.

Question: 5

Let S be the set of prime numbers greater than or equal to 2 and less than 100. Multiply all the elements of S. With how many consecutive zeros will the product end?

(A) 1

(B) 4

(C) 5

(D) 10

Ans: A

Clearly, the list of prime numbers from 2 to 99 has only 1 multiple of 2 and only 1 multiple of 5.

So, number of zeros in the product = 1.

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