Top 200+ C++ Interview Questions and Answers - 4

Question: 16

What are arithmetic operators?

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical operations. The list of arithmetic operators are:

+ Additional operator

- Subtraction operator

* multiplication operator

/ real numbers division

integer number division

% modulus operator – gives the remainder of an integer division.

+=, -=, *=, /=, %=

Arithmetic expressions are formed using arithmetic operators.

Question: 17

What are the conditional binary operators?

The conditional binary operators are – ? : - Ternary operator.

Question: 18

What are assignment operators?

Assignment Operators = is the simple assignment operator.

It is used to assign the result of an expression (on the right hand side) to the variable (on the left hand side of the operator).

In addition to the simple assignment operator, there are 10 ‘shorthand’ assignment operators.

Question: 19

What is Built in Data Type?

Built in Data Type is also called as Fundamental or Basic data type. They are predefined in the compiler.

Question: 20

What is the use of void type?

Void type has two important purposes:

To indicate that a function does not return a value.

To declare a generic pointer.

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