Basic C#.Net Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers - 2

Question: 6

What do you mean by OLE?

OLE means Object Linking and Embedding.

It was developed by Microsoft in 1990 to enable easy Inter process communications.

Question: 7

What is the need for OLE?

To embed documents from one application in to another application.

To enable one application to manipulate objects located in another application

Question: 8

List the services provided by the CLR?

Interoperability with other systems.

Errors and exception handling.

Memory management.

Memory isolation for application.

Verification of type safety.

Question: 9

What is called component ware?

Component ware – The software built using COM is called as component ware.

Question: 10

What is called versioning?

Versioning is the process of creating new software modules work with the existing application.

C# achieves versioning with two keywords namely, new and override.

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