100+ Simplification Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams - 2

Question: 6

How many boxes are required for filling 15 kg of sweet if each box is filled with 250 grams of sweet?

(A) 40

(B) 50

(C) 60

(D) 70

Ans: C

Number of boxes required = $${15 × 1000} / {250}$$ = 60.

Question: 7

The number of students in each section of a school is 24. After admitting new students, three new sections were started. Now, the total number of sections is 16 and there are 21 students in each section. The number of new students admitted is

(A) 14

(B) 20

(C) 24

(D) 48

Ans: C

Original number of sections = (16 – 3) = 13.

Original number of students = (24 × 13) = 312.

Present number of students = (21 × 16) = 336.

Number of new students admitted = (336 – 312) = 24.

Question: 8

What fraction of an hour is a second?

(A) $${1} / {24}$$

(B) $${1} / {60}$$

(C) $${1} / {120}$$

(D) $${1} / {3600}$$

Ans: D

Required fraction = $${1 sec.} / {1 hr.}$$ = $${1 sec.} / ({1 × 60 × 60)sec.}$$ = $${1} / {3600}$$

Question: 9

On sports Day, if 30 children were made to stand in a column, then 16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made to stand in a column, then how many columns could be formed?

(A) 18

(B) 20

(C) 22

(D) 24

Ans: B

Total number of children = (30 × 16) = 480.

Number of columns of 24 children each = $$({480} / {24})$$ = 20.

Question: 10

After measuring 120 metres of a rope, it was discovered that the measuring metre rod was 3 cm longer. The true length of the rope measured is

(A) 116 m 40 cm

(B) 121 m 20 cm

(C) 123 m 60 cm

(D) 143 m 80 cm

Ans: C

True length of the rope = 120 m + (3 × 120) cm

                                   = 120 m + 360 cm

                                    = 120 m + 3 m 60 cm = 123 m 60 cm.

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