Top 100+ Percentages Aptitude Online Test - 1

Question: 1

What is 45% of 25% of $${4}/{5}th$$ of 850?

(A) 67.5

(B) 76.5

(C) 83.5

(D) 87.5

Ans: B

Given expression = $$({45} / {100} × {25} / {100} × {4} / {5} × 850)$$ = $${153} / {2}$$ = 76.5.

Question: 2

In an examination, there are three papers and a candidate has to get 35% of the total to pass. In one paper, he gets 62 out of 150 and in the second 35 out of 150. How much must he get out of 180, in the third paper to just qualify for a pass?

(A) 60.5

(B) 68

(C) 71

(D) 73

Ans: C

Let the marks required be x.

Then, (62 + 35 + x) = 35% of (150 + 150 + 180)

⇔ 97 + x = $${35}/{100} × 480$$

⇔ x = 168 - 97 = 71.

Question: 3

Prices register an increase of 10% on foodgrains and 15% on other items of expenditure. If the ratio of an employee’s expenditure on foodgrains and other items be 2.5, by how much should his salary be increased in order that he may maintain the same level of consumption as before, his present salary being of Rs. 2590?

(A) Rs. 323.75

(B) Rs. 350

(C) Rs. 351. 50

(D) Rs. 360.50

Ans: C

Let expenditure on food and other items be Rs 2x and 5x.

Then, 2x + 5x = 2590 or x = 370.

So, expenditure on food = Rs. (2 × 370) = Rs. 740.

∴ Expenditure on other items = Rs. (5 × 370) = Rs. 1850.

New expenditure = 110% of Rs. 740 + 115% of Rs. 1850

                          = Rs. $$({110}/{100} × 740 + {115}/{100} × 1850)$$

                          = Rs. (814 + 2127.50) = Rs. 2941.50

∴ Desired increase = Rs. (2941.50 – 2590) = Rs. 351.50.

Question: 4

In an examination, 30% and 35% students respectively failed in History and Geography while 27% students failed in both the subjects. If the number of students passing the examination is 248, find the total number of students who appeared in the examination.

(A) 370

(B) 380

(C) 390

(D) 400

Ans: D

Percentage of failed candidates = (30 + 35 - 27)% = 38%.

Percentage of passed candidates = (100 - 38)% = 62%.

Let the total number of students appeared be x.

Then, 62% of x = 248

⇒ x =$$ {248 × 100} / {62}$$ = 400.

Question: 5

36% of 245 - 40% of 210 = 10 - ?

(A) 4.2

(B) 5.6

(C) 5.8

(D) 6.2

Ans: C

Let 36% of 245 - 40% of 210 = 10 - x.

Then, $$({36}/{100} × 245)$$ – $$({40}/{100} × 210)$$ = 10 - x

⇒ 88.20 – 84 = 10 - x = 10 - x = 4.20 ⇒ x = 5.8.

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